The Top Methods to Secure an Audience for Your Content
Determine which method is right for you, and you're on your way to finding a dream customer.

By Greg Rollett •
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.
Would you like to know how to target the clients you're looking for? If you want to grow and find more success for your business, the answer is probably "yes." To secure your ideal audience, first take into consideration the type of content you are providing: Is your content going to inform and influence your most-desired client?
From there, Entrepreneur Network partner Greg Rollett says there are three ways to build an audience:
- Organic reach. According to Rollett, organic reach is still one of the best ways to reach your desired audience. There are no barriers to entry. With today's myriad of channels and ease of entering each, creating new content can happen with literally the touch of a button. Organically publishing or sending out your content is one of the main ways to appeal to an audience (though make sure you are aware of how each platform you use works).
- Pay a platform to spread your content. Using social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter to spread your content is one option, but be aware you will have to open your wallets to these companies. On a positive note, these social media websites have the unique benefit of specifically targeting your ideal customer.
- O.P.P. or "Other People's Platforms." This consists of reaching out to other people, especially those with interesting platforms to you, and asking to utilize their audience.
To hear all of Greg Rollett's strategies for finding your perfect audience, click on the video.
Related: How to Build Your Customer List and Get Your Business Off the Ground
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