


7 Steps to Setting Up Google Analytics For Your Business

In today's day and age, tracking data with Google Analytics is an absolute must. Make sure you sync up this year to avoid getting left behind by your competition.


Ejecutivo de Google advierte sobre las "alucinaciones" del chatbot de inteligencia artificial. ¿Y eso qué significa?

Prabhakar Raghavan advierte que la inteligencia generativa como ChatGPT puede ser convincente, pero incorrecta.

Business News

Google's Bard Already Made A Fact Error — In Its Wake, the Company's Value Dropped By $100 Billion

ChatGPT and similar technologies are rife with issues from biases to factual errors, according to reports.


Bard, la herramienta de inteligencia artificial de Google se equivoca y provoca caída en las acciones de la compañía

Una de las respuestas dadas por el servicio de inteligencia artificial conversacional está equivocada y los usuarios no tardaron en reaccionar.


Amazon, Apple y Google se comprometen a enviar ayuda a Turquía tras el terremoto

Además, el CEO de la compañía de yogur Chobani dijo que donará $1 millón de dólares a la Turkish Philanthropy Funds.

Business News

Tech Giants Amazon, Apple, and Google Are Pledging to Help with Disaster Relief in Turkey After Earthquake

Plus, the CEO of yogurt company Chobani said he was donating $1 million to Turkish Philanthropy Funds.


Google anuncia la búsqueda simultánea utilizando imágenes, texto y voz

El motor de búsqueda comienza a incorporar tecnología de inteligencia artificial para que busquemos de manera más intuitiva.

Business News

The AI Wars Have Begun: Microsoft Announces ChatGPT Bing Integration After Google Introduces AI Competitor, Bard

ChatGPT proved to be an accelerant for large companies releasing their own versions of AI-powered search bots.


Google presenta Bard, la herramienta de inteligencia artificial que le hará frente a ChatGPT

El modelo de inteligencia artificial conversacional es capaz de escribir como un humano y pronto podría impulsar los resultados de tus búsquedas.


Google se prepara para competir con ChatGPT, herramienta respaldada por Microsoft: esto es lo que significa

ChatGPT está construyendo una base de usuarios más rápido que las aplicaciones más populares creadas hasta la fecha.

Business News

Google Gears Up to Compete With Microsoft-Backed ChatGPT — Here's What It Means

ChatGPT is building its user base faster than the most popular consumer apps created to date.

Business News

This Worker Found Out Google Laid Her Off While Feeding Her 3-Week-Old Daughter

Jana Elfenbein was a recruiter at Google — and said she was on maternity leave when she found out she was part of the company's layoffs.

Business News

Silicon Valley Workers Are Using This App to Share Their Layoff Speculations and Woes in Secret

Blind's anonymity means verified employees can be more honest than ever before.

News and Trends

Google CEO Sundar Pichai Likely To Take Huge Pay Cut For Senior Executives

According to reports, Pichai didn't mention the percentage of salary that will be cut and for how long