There is No Better Time Than Now to Start A Business. Here's Why.

It's time to explore the evolved market in this post-pandemic world

learn more about Ken Wisnefski

By Ken Wisnefski

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

The pandemic came into this world unexpectedly and changed the way society operates. Every company has had to evolve in some way, a testament to the "survival of the fittest" theory. Now, it is time to adapt to a post-COVID-19 world.

It's easier than ever to start small

Small businesses can look much more significant to generate more activity with a robust online presence. A professional website and effective public relations strategies can set your company aside from the rest and help it grow. There is no need for employees or even a physical office. Remote work has been ingrained into the workforce. You can run a business without the overhead of an office. There is no longer a need for a substantial in-person office with many employees.

Small companies can be equally as agile as large companies. They can move swiftly through the industry with a small, efficient team while producing substantial value. There are always freelancers available for work that can temporarily fill the needs of your business. At the same time, full-time talent can help create the vigorous team you and your company have always imagined.

Related: Here's How Small Businesses Can Survive the Post-Pandemic Economy

You can do many things with online services to assist you with automated emails, website design and social media management. Some numerous websites and blogs provide viewers with free educational content on topics like digital marketing and search engine optimization that can help your business grow.

Nowadays, social media can also be an incredibly effective way to create an online presence and get the attention of business sponsors and investors. The incredible omnipresence of the internet has launched international markets for businesses. Even one single person creating a website accompanied by a social media account can make a wave in this immense sea of opportunity. Companies can reach their neighbors down the street while also reaching others across the globe.

Remote work isn't going anywhere

The pandemic completely altered the importance of work and personal life. With more time at home, people shifted their focus towards family and free time over the pandemic. People starting businesses today tend to be more socially adept, willing to risk more and likely to work from home.

A versatile business where employees can work for you from anywhere opens many doors. It allows you to hire the best talent from anywhere, not just the best talent in your area. Remote positions eliminate the need to commute, thus saving the employees time and money while reducing the amount of carbon fuel emissions into the atmosphere.

Employees have become more comfortable working from home and have grown in productivity. With more of their time spent on things they enjoy rather than wasted on a commute to work, employees are more likely to have better work-life balances and, thus, better mental health.

Related: Remote Work Is Here to Stay. It's Time to Update the Way You Lead.

You can control your destiny

Employees realized how quickly things could change during the pandemic as layoffs happened. It's now the Great Resignation, with many people quitting their jobs, like the 4.3 million people who quit in January 2022.

This has caused a lot of people to rethink their professional life. A lot of good talent that would otherwise be unavailable is now on the market. Many adequate workers are looking for new prospects, many of which are open to shifting industries. The pandemic has made a lot of people want to work to live instead of living to work.

In times of uncertainty, job security is more important than ever. Running your own business allows you to control your destiny. The blend of low-cost technology, available online markets and funding are entirely transforming the face of entrepreneurship.

A lousy economy should never hold you back

There have been many other successful startups that began during the midst of a financial crisis. Successful companies like Airbnb, Groupon, Uber and Venmo were all founded during the recession in the early 2000s.

Interest rates have been on the rise. These higher interest rates will result in fewer entrepreneurs, ultimately creating less competition for new businesses. An idea without action is nothing in the entrepreneurial world. Entrepreneurship is about taking that idea and doing something with it. Today. So why not seize the moment and start working on your business idea? Everyone has ideas, but only a few can take those ideas and turn them into something. With less competition and more freedom, now is the time to take the leap.

A few things to caution

It is always important to remember that capital is required to start a business, and it can take some time for your business to gain traction. When starting a business, the first step is conducting market research on the idea, service or product you plan to sell. To have a successful startup, getting savvy is imperative to survival.

You can lower the costs of starting a business by using the economic situation as leverage when negotiating prices, purchasing supplies from businesses closing or reducing inventory, and comparing online shopping prices to find the best deal on a company credit card. Traditionally, someone with a good idea for a new business — without the necessary funds for said business — had to struggle to keep up with those with the required capital.

Today, someone creating an original business has access to a broader variety of industry-specific investors, private financing options fashioned for the singular purpose of capitalizing off of innovative ideas and original companies, communal and confidential contributions to groups of investors and government-subsidized loans from government programs. It is still vital for shareholders and investors to establish the validity of their ideas, but now they have better options for funding, and the process is less complicated.

Patience is critical, but with enough determination, it is possible to create a successful business amidst the uncertainty of this post-pandemic world.

Related: The Complete, 12-Step Guide to Starting a Business

Ken Wisnefski

Entrepreneur Leadership Network Contributor

Serial Entrepreneur

Ken Wisnefski is a serial entrepreneur currently on his third successful startup. Wisnefski is an expert resource in entrepreneurship, small business, online marketing, social media and reputation management.

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