Nervous About Investing? Think About Your Money This Way.
By avoiding smart investments, you're cheating yourself of the retirement savings you deserve.

By Phil Town •
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.
In this video, Entrepreneur Network partner Phil Town talks about how to get over the investing hump. Start by ridding yourself of hesitation. It's simple: If you want to grow your wealth and build a substantial nest for retirement, it is only in your best interest to make smart investments — and to start as soon as possible.
Aim first to get out of debt, in particular with credit cards and other types of loans. Then, open a brokerage account. Even if you don't have the amount Town recommends ($2,000) start by just opening an account to get it on paper.
From there, start a watchlist of companies you're interested in and can understand, especially in industries you either work in or know about. To hear more tips about where to begin investing, click on the video.
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