Small Business Encyclopedia
Business Expansion


The purchase of one corporation by another, through either the purchase of its shares, or the purchase of its assets


Joining forces with another company or individual to combine talents or strengths in order to attract more business

Franchisable Business

A business that has the potential to be sold as a franchise opportunity, generally having the following characteristics: It is established, offers a unique concept, is teachable and can provide an adequate return to potential franchisees.

Branch Office

A smaller, remotely located office that is separate from a company's corporate headquarters


A risk-reduction strategy that involves adding product, services, location, customers and markets to your company's portfolio

Business Broker

A professional who assists in the buying and selling of businesses

Buying a Business

An alternative to starting a business from scratch or buying a business opportunity that involves purchasing an existing business for sale


The combination of one or more corporations, LLCs, or other business entities into a single business entity; the joining of two or more companies to achieve greater efficiencies of scale and productivity

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